“Yes Virginia, A Thousand Times Yes”

‘Tis the season to read umpteen posts in mom forums that begin, “We don’t do the Santa thing…” and blogs across the world will twist together the words Santa with deception and lies. On the opposite hand, we have all those angry folks talking about robbing kids of magic. If one thing is for certain…

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Brain-Building Color Folding

If you noticed it was a little quiet around here, we just got a fairly direct hit from record-breaking hurricane Michael last week. We came through mostly unscathed, but it knocked our phone lines and power out for a bit. To get an idea of the aftermath imagine if a third of the trees in…

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We Baked a Cake for Maria Montessori

What is practical life? Practical life work means practicing everyday life skills. This week we honed our baking skills. Baking with kids can be a lot of fun. They are so much more capable than we think. They pulled off this cake to celebrate Maria Montessori’s birthday with almost no help from me whatsoever. I…

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Homeschool Uniforms: How?

I have a friend who doesn’t seem to take our homeschool seriously. When I speak of prepping the classroom or practicing presentations, or when I say we are too busy for playdates, I often get the impression that she thinks we’re just “playing school.”ย  After all, we named our homeschool, have uniforms, our classroom is…

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Back to School Plan

This post unfortunately not sponsored by Old Spice. Ah the beginning of a new school year when opportunities are infinite and time is merely an abstract concept. With the smell of freshly sharpened pencils and melted laminator plastic in the air, sick days and bad attitudes aren’t even on the radar yet. What will this…

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Happy Independence Day

  Happy fourth of July! Just popping in to say hello! We’ve been plenty busy this Summer so far, but I’ve picked a back to school date, two weeks after the local kids go back and just in time to celebrate Maria Montessori’s birthday. Look for us celebrating “back to homeschool” the last week of…

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Welcome Baby Will

Very pleased to announce the newest member of our family, William Benedict, born May 25th. Affectionately known as hiccup. Mom and baby are doing well and his big siblings and Dad are in love. Taking a homeschooling break while we rest, recoup and focus on family, but hopefully we are back to our weekly updates…

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Laser Maze Jr: a Timberdoodle Review

We played with such a cool game this week: Laser Maze Jr. This single-player game was actually enjoyed by both my five and seven-year-olds collaboratively; the goal is to solve a light maze by guiding a laser light beam around rocks, through a splitter or bounced off of mirrors to light up a rocket ship…

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Our Montessori Homeschooling Week: Vol 8

Whereย to even begin with this busy week?ย  Goodbye April –> Hello May! April 29th – May 5th On Sunday both our girls made their first holy communions. *swoon* Misc Fun:ย  Yesterday, we took a beach trip and had a visit with good friends in Pensacola. There was a Crawfish Festival going on, and we spent…

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