Are you familiar with this wonderful book by Michael Dorer (all his books are wonderful by the way)? Hatching the Cosmic Egg is an illustrated journey through all 5 of the Montessori Great Lessons. A perfect reading companion for elementary school kids whether they’ve just first heard the stories or retold them many times through skits and experiments.

We love this book. We even have the cute little egg Montessori Services sells with it. But — caveat — the cute little egg while worthwhile is on the pricy side and ours unfortunately broke like almost immediately. I mean, it is an egg after all. It’s ok. But I wanted to have a related extention on the shelf this week as we move once again (fourth time through? Is that possible?) through the telling of the Great Lessons. For those keeping score, yes it is already December, and yes we are just getting to the lessons. But it’s all part of the grand plan you see. More on that later this week.

Anyway the real reason why you are here: freebie printable.
I mean I assume. I should probably assume the best and that you’re here because you love all my updates. But I’m a mom and alas cannot afford delusions of grandeur. If I could my kids would swiftly break them — case in point broken Cosmic Egg.

The freebie is linked below. It will be free the month of December. If you use it, I would get a kick seeing it! When you tag us on Instagram with #mycosmicmontessori I’ll share it so we can all get ideas for doodling the Great Lessons together.
After the kids cut the eggs out, they can make a collage or affix them together with a brad. For older kids, have them glue each egg into their daily notebook and write favorite facts about each story. Open-ended art extensions are my favorite kind of shelf work!