Do you have students interested in the periodic table of the elements? Need a simple way to guide child-led research? So did I, so I spent the last week creating an easy to use research guide for my kids! I am super proud of it. There’s even a cover page to print and decorate so you can compile all your element research pages into one portfolio.

I included Montessori-style blue lined paper for copying fun facts or writing research reports on each element. But you can always substitute your own preferred paper. I printed a stack of these worksheets for my kids to do their own elemental research as desired. They’ve had a lot of fun so far and are pretty proud of themselves.
This printable is perfect for beginner writers to older middle-school-aged kids. Ages 6+ (my kids are 8, 10 and, with special needs, 12).
You can find my element research guide at my Teachers Pay Teachers account at this link here.

Homeschool Mom tested and mixed-aged-kids approved!