Have you seen the flood of wonderful videos on Youtube the last month coming from Montessori educators needing to teach from home?
Even if you have a presentation down pat, it’s still incredibly helpful to see how others present work. Even with a uniform method like Montessori, every guide brings a little bit of his or her own insight into a material.
Point in case, we first did the investigation of multiples work a year and half (or so) ago, I just printed out the tables, we did some circling and that was that. The work was never really a favorite of the kids, and I personally thought it a bit bland. When reviewing it for my son this week, I found this video on the tables of multiplication recommending the charts be made smaller and put into book format.
Now ok, I’m sure lots of people knew this already. We make mini books, mostly for language work, often. But no, it never occured to me to try it here. Gamechanger. The kids became newly obsessed it; they completed all the tables in one sitting and proudly showed off their booklets to Grandparents via Facetime that evening. Plus they look so nice sitting in a basket on our math shelf.
I couldn’t find a page with 4-6 multiple tables / hundred boards (different work but same format) formatted for booklets. So I of course made some. I left enough space on the left side so there is ample room for staples.
In case anyone else needs it — here is a PDF for you!