Right now, I know a lot of people are on the hunt for educational products that double as fun gifts. Timberdoodle has given us the hook up on a few fun logic games in exchange for our thoughts on playing with them. Look for more reviews over the next month.
First on our list is Chroma Cube. It’s a logic puzzle that’s perfect for older kids; it’d even make a great adult gift. I’m not one to stick around and play with my kids’ toys after they’ve got the hang of something. I typically like to steal away to get other stuff done, but this activity really held my attention. Puzzles are short but challenging leading to plenty of satisfaction per the mental effort required. It’s also very visually appealing with not a ton of small pieces to lose (one of the main challenges with games in this household). If you or someone you know want a new puzzle challenge, the Chroma Cube is highly recommended.

I appreciated Chroma Cube’s simple design. The base is laser cut so that it contains the activity cards inside — super smart. The object of the game is to read through the few instructions on the cards to determine the way the blocks fit. They give you the first several blocks; then you sleuth your way to victory. The answer is on the back of the card. There’s also a handy color key for those of us who mix up color names.

Definitely a fun one, Chroma Cube has many educational benefits: it requires you to problem solve, read and follow simple directions and manipulate objects in a challenging way. There’s even a few oddball questions I didn’t see coming (I had to Google the colors of the Irish flag for one). I’m really happy we tried this game. It’s a keeper and would work well as a gift for anyone 8+ (though even my six-year-old was captivated and could work through it with help). Timberdoodle site says 13+ but the box says 8+ (hope that’s helpful).
We think Chroma Cube is an especially fun way to keep minds sharp over any upcoming school breaks! You can find it in the 2019 Timberdoodle Eleventh Grade Curriculum Kit.

I love the photos you share of this product! Really gives an idea of what it looks like in real life.
I love how it works for such a broad range of ages! Great review!