Every October we do a Harry Potter homeschooling week for my Harry Potter crazed kiddos. I’m super fortunate to be participating in a Wizarding swap group right now: potions, charms, and other fun all DIY and delivered through the mail. I am so excited about this slapjack game; I’m posting it free here for you to download! Rules included. Of course — I’m posting a behind the scenes video of how I made it. Scroll on…

Creating this for the swap was fun but equally tedious — particularly the Quidditch-inspired boxes / card holders! Mostly fun though. Love learning new things and having a good reason to utilize creativity + get out of my comfort zone. Great to have deadlines for that too.
Sorry for any poor quality on the video. It’s just saved from our IG stories. Baby isn’t sleeping super well, so I’m a-rollin’ with what I got.
If you can’t see the video or files below click here or try visiting on a desktop 🙂
Variations: Play a tournament style game, print one or multiple card sets, have multiple Golden Snitches, more Bludgers than Quaffles, play in teams, assign silly actions to other cards (spin around in a circle when you slap the lightning bolt, recite the Arania Exumai spell if you slap a spider etc). Feel free to make it your own but please link back here and give credit! I watercolored the art and spent a lot of time thinking up a way to format and adapt JK Rowling’s beloved Quidditch rules to a card game.
Please drop me a comment if you have suggestions for us — or let me know if you enjoy playing like we do!
Happy Wizarding,
P.S. I’ll be tagging Harry Potter Week so you can see all our antics! Check out IG of course.