Maybe you will relate. This time of year, no matter how prepared I think I am, how much I try to stay in the moment and focused on family there’s a constant whir in the back of my mind. A whir buzzing in my head saying You have to make memories! You have to make this season count! You need to bake gingerbread and make Christmas cards and forge lasting traditions and time is fading fast. No matter the persistence of that voice, instead of feeling motivated to grab hold of all of the excellent resources and fun traditions that are out there on Pinterest and Insta, I end up just getting swamped. It happens this time of year without fail.
On balance we take off from school (ie formal Montessori work) and enjoy the perfect temperatures we get this time of year. So far December has looked like Christmas movies at breakfast, playing outside in afternoons. The kids are working hard preparing for their upcoming violin recital. We’ve been reading about how countries all over the globe celebrate Christmas.

My oldest daughter just started vision therapy — which so far has looked like 3 days of testing in addition to all her normal therapies. We’ve had lots of dental appointments too (boo). I have spent a ton of time this week talking my girls through friendship peer pressures lately: ah preteens. We put out shoes last night for St Nick to leave gold coins. My girls put out two pairs each because they’re funny and a little greedy as kids should be. 😉
If I’m quiet on Instagram and not posting too much here, that’s why. Real life!

To make up for it though, I do have a sweet giveaway over on Facebook.

We are big fans of Brother Francis DVDs. They’re an easy and straightforward way to explain faith and catechism; they’re engaging and provide great analogies kids can understand.
We have just started using the new Brother Francis Advent DVD that functions as a little advent calendar of content. You watch a short video each day (to be honest we binged the first week. You do you.). Each day covers a different topic like the Annunciation or what the rose candle color represents. It’s easy. It fits into our day. I highly recommend it.
The good folks at the Brother Francis also offered to give away their new toddler DVD. We loved that it introduces in animation symbols in the church and saints too. There’s not many resources (in fact none I know of) that make that accessible to toddlers in video form.
We’re giving away a copy each of “The Days of Advent” and “Totally Toddlers: The Alphabet” over on Facebook.
“The Days of Advent” – episode 17 from the Brother Francis animated series for Catholic Children
Description: Join Brother Francis in this special episode that helps children observe the days of Advent in a way that will be meaningful and fun!
This episode includes :
• A short introduction on what Advent is, how it differs from the Christmas season and why we celebrate it.
• A fun and catchy intro song to help us remember what Advent is all about.
• 25 meaningful meditations, beautifully illustrated and led by Brother Francis!
• “Let’s Pray” – each meditation is accompanied by an on-screen prayer where the entire family can ask God’s help in living out that day’s devotional.
• “Advent Action” – each day ends with a suggested way to put the meditation into practice. From making a list of people to pray for, to helping those in need, the discussion sections help kids put faith into action.
Totally Toddlers – The Alphabet – a new series for Catholic kids, produced by the creators of Brother Francis
From the creative team behind the popular “Brother Francis” series for Catholic children comes the first episode of “Totally Toddlers”.
Using colorful animation that toddlers will want to watch over and over again, “Totally Toddlers” is an entertaining and wholesome way for young children to learn basic concepts, while also creating a strong foundation of faith.
This episode introduces children to the wonderful world of words as they learn all about The Alphabet!
• Animated letters come to life, sing to the children, and then return to their normal written form.
• Animated explanations of each letter depict aspects of the Catholic faith and life, such as: D is for Daddy! Saint Joseph was Jesus’ daddy.
• With fun reviews, kids learn what objects start with each letter!
• Sprinkled throughout are catchy melodies with quality animation that help children apply their faith while learning a new letter.
Approximately 46 minutes. English language and subtitles
Hi Jeni! I enjoyed reading about your family’s rhythm during this busy holiday season and I can definitely relate as we have decided to slow down in some areas of our homeschooling this month as well. I have also really enjoyed seeing the continued evolution of your classroom environment through your videos and photos as it changes to meet the needs of your children. It is truly a living, breathing space and has been a source of inspiration for our growing family. I would love to see an updated tour if you get the chance.