I have a friend who doesn’t seem to take our homeschool seriously. When I speak of prepping the classroom or practicing presentations, or when I say we are too busy for playdates, I often get the impression that she thinks we’re just “playing school.”
After all, we named our homeschool, have uniforms, our classroom is on our back porch, and we very well could be in our PJs instead. All true.
I think she’s right about playing school — though for another reason.
In Montessori we refer to the child’s play as true work.
Wouldn’t it be interesting to say that the opposite is true also? That teaching, via the Montessori pedagogy, is basically play for the guide? The most important kind of play.
Watching my kids explore new materials, persist through challenges, bridge connections, learn new things — it’s practically Christmas morning for me. I get to spend time with my favorite little people and watch them grow up in front of me.
If our homeschool experience looks and feels like “playing school,” I don’t ever want to stop.

Maybe donning uniforms looks like we’re taking ourselves too seriously. We have our reasons, but I understand the impression it gives. Frankly occasionally I feel weird to send the kids out into the world when I know people are going to get excited and ask where this Cosmic Montessori school is — and my kids are just going to exclaim that we’re homeschooled. Then I have to back track and explain we’re just huge dorks.
In fact, I think I’ve decided to head off the odd looks by saying “our homeschool group wears uniforms.” Because well, we do.

But I asked the kids if they wanted to do uniforms again this year — we’re a school and on a team working together after all. The kids voted unanimously for uniforms. Mike wants to wear a tie. I don’t know that we will go that far. Maybe for daily mass days.
When homeschool uniforms begin to feel restrictive or not fun, we’ll probably adapt to some other new identity. Follow the child after all.
So how do we do our homeschool uniforms? However we choose. You never thought homeschooling weirdos in uniforms were so flexible, now did you?

Amen! As homeschooler teaching our kids to love to learn so they will want to learn more is what it is about. Self motivated learners!
Yes!! Absolutely!!
Most kids complain about uniforms, its wonderful your kids are so proud and enthusiastic about your school
Thank you! Well they got to choose them plus they attend an afterschool program where their friends are in uniforms — and there’s the whole Harry Potter factor. 😂
They think they are cool — don’t anyone tell my kids differently!!
You are absolutely amazing, will be montessori homeschooling 5 children next year four of whom are at a Montessori school and your blog gives me hope…prep prep and more prep it is!
South Africa