Ah teething. Mark Twain summed it up well when he said, “Adam and Eve had many advantages, but the principal one was that they escaped teething.” I tend to not pay a whole lot of attention to teeth. We do our due diligence attending regular six month cleanings, and even occasionally we make the kids floss, but otherwise I couldn’t tell an incisor from a canine — or which emerges first before the other. But what I’m very aware of is when teeth decide to break through my children’s gums. There is crying, fussiness, pain, lost sleep; and I don’t just mean for me (ha, ha).
With a big family we’ve experienced a lot of teething and many teething soothers. We’ve tried vibrating grapes, gel-filled rings, icy washcloths, frozen bagels, but we’ve never had a favorite teether to turn to until now. When I say, I found the best teether ever, what I truly mean is Timberdoodle has sourced the best teether ever as part of their Tiny Tots curriculum kit, and it’s called the ZoLi Chubby Gummy Teether. They sent us it free in exchange for a review. I know what you’re thinking: so if this is a product review (it is), of course she’s going to rave about the product (if you’ve seen my other posts you know that’s not always true, eek). But seriously I am in love with this teether, and I’ll tell you why.

While our new baby doesn’t yet have teeth (my nursing boobs are thankful for the limited-time being), my two-year-old toddler on the other hand has recently tried out these teethers over two rounds of teething.
At the onset of tooth pain, my kids usually start biting on anything nearby. Table edges, toys, siblings–usually these options are less than ideal and not super safe.
However these Chubby Gummy Teethers have some awesome features:
- A unique soft, textured massaging tip to soothe sore gums.
- They’re near-indestructible (my kid has sharp teeth. These things are taking a beating and show no sign of wear several months in).
- They’re BPA-free and Phthalate-free (so important especially for our littlest ones).
- They feature an “anti-choke” shield (which really means my son can’t gag himself), yet it still allows access to back molars!
- The handle is easy to grip and will accommodate even the youngest teethers learning to grasp.
- It’s a wonderful sensory tool.
- It’s effective; my tot loooooves this thing. He carries it around everywhere.
- It’s simple and handy. (No replacing batteries. No remembering to chill it in the fridge.)
- It comes with two teethers — there’s a backup in the box!
Where the heck was this thing when my big kids were tiny?!

I definitely recommend the Zoli Chubby Gummy Teethers set from Timberdoodle. Find them at the link here or as part of their awesome Tiny Tots Curriculum Kit. We love Timberdoodle Co.