I don’t know if you read Highlights magazine as a kid, but I definitely did. The Hidden Picture puzzles were always my favorite activity inside (especially if I got stickers). I hadn’t thought about those magazines in such a long time, not until recently when Timberdoodle asked if Baby (ok now a toddler) Will and I would review these Find It toddler board books. We received our set in exchange for this review; all opinions are my own, and I’m happy to say we love them.

At sixteen months, Will, is just getting the hang of pointing out objects as I name them — so this series has quickly become his favorite set of books to read together.

He especially loves animal themed everything (kid is obsessed with chickens). The farm book is right up our alley. Our other favorite in the series is the bedtime book as it depicts all the snuggly things you need to do at the close of day.
Illustrations are simple and bright. “Hidden” objects are tactile with a raised edge and feel glossy under fingertips. All in all these are a big hit around our house. We’re reading them nearly daily.
You can find these cute books at Timberdoodle. They are part of Timberdoodle’s Tiny Tots Curriculum kit.

Baby Will approved!

Oh, my goodness! Baby Will is so cute!!
The hidden picture page in Highlights was always my favorite, too! I like how the pictures are slightly raised in these toddler books to make it more tactile for the little ones.