If you’ve been reading my blog for longer than a hot minute, you may know I’m super-spatially challenged. I’m not great at construction sets, puzzles or building things. I was a writing major; I do know how to use semicolons and commas. Can’t do it all folks. I mean, I can’t.
I do, however, have an honorary (and made up) degree in complex anatomy complications pertaining to 22q Deletion Syndrome. My oldest daughter was born with several severe heart defects, has had 3 open heart surgeries and two heart caths.
I’m confident on the structure of the heart.
But let me tell you a quick, sad story: I could not get my latest learning material, a 4D Heart model to come together.

Primarily I think my problem is that I possess the patience of a 4-year-old. My husband, who is equally well-acquainted with the structure of the heart yet is a professional builder, also had some trouble following the provided instructions to put this heart model together.

He did eventually (after discarding the instructions) put it together by logically eyeballing it. The end.

So based on that short tale, what is my opinion of the 4D Model heart?
It’s actually really cool! I was hoping this heart would be less puzzle and more working model. It’s on the small size. But in a pinch, for the price, I think it’s a great way to showcase the different major parts of the heart. You can’t beat (see what I did there) having a realistic heart model to hold in your hand.

I will be in the market for a larger one ($$$) eventually, but this one was fun to play around with (once my hubby bailed us out). I was able to point out the aorta to describe an interrupted aortic arch (my daughter’s primary repaired CHD) as well as the valve she will need replacing in the future. It definitely works as a homeschool aid. Again great price too.

If your kids love construction sets and puzzles, this will be perfect for them. If you need a model heart to show anatomy lessons, perfect. If you’re spatially challenged and hoping you can put this together in 10 mins or less, probably not going to happen. Still a decent little heart model.
Find it right here on Timberdoodle.com.