Tickets for the 2021 Montessori Homeschool Summit that a bunch of us Montessori educators have been working on hard behind the scenes for months now — are about to drop.
The topics are geared toward homeschoolers to help make life simpler while navigating Montessori. Whether you need practical tips tailoring your shelves for kids with ADHD or insight on Montessori materials and presentations, advice making Montessori work for your family, on your budget, on your schedule for a range of stages (baby to age 12) — there’s truly something for everyone.

Seriously — there’s 25 hours of content chock-full of marvelous stories from trained pros, authors, educators, parents, scientists: people who have been there. I don’t know if you like to binge videos while doing laundry like I do, but an online conference where I can enjoy coffee, fold laundry and make a low key event out of it is kind of my thing. Self-care while learning how to be a more resourceful, efficient, and effective Montessori mom. I’m watching these prerecorded videos right now, and I assure you, it’s fantastic content.
I personally needed the presentation about Montessori homeschool project groups by Leanna Ampola. It’s my favorite video I’ve watched so far and something I’m definitely going to implement near me soon.
There’s also a fantastic, insightful video from Jennifer Kilgore on Montessori grammar I’m loving. Sharlie from Montessori For the World is one of my favorite Montessori classroom teachers ever (people in general really), and she’s opening with a talk on Peace Education. Also I’m always fangirling over Carol Palmer from I’ve linked to her posts a number of times from my blog because her content is just so original and creative. Also speaking is the formative Claudia Mann from Fossilicious, the inspiring Aubrey Hargis from Child of the Redwoods, Simone Davies author of The Montessori Toddler and even Pilar Bewley from Mainly Montessori.

Why am I allowed to join up with these cool people — no clue. But I am so excited to be here for this event speaking about special needs and our homeschool experiences. I’m offering tips and stories in a hopefully relatable way. I even made up an acronym. W-I-Z-A-R-D: find out what that means to me (as said with an Aretha-like flare). Plus I share my personal homeschooling mantra — the 100% real phrase I use to keep me grounded and encouraged as we homeschool.
Some highlights of the conference — if you want to make a 5 day event out of it, you can. The videos are released on a daily schedule but you can watch at your own pace because this year you get summit access for one full year.
Our conference hosts, all around beautiful people, Katherine Kabral of I Believe in Montessori and Yuliya Fruman from Welcome to Mommyhood, have put together an amazing lineup complete with a virtual presenter hall you can visit to get acquainted with all the speakers. On top of all that, the week of the event there’s a Facebook party to talk to the presenters, hosts, participants; ask questions and get direct answers and talk to like-minded homeschoolers too.
All in all, this is a fun, worthwhile event. Makes for a great way to meet others on your homeschool journey, learn and grow, and take part in something for yourself. I’ve done other online conferences hosted by influencers (and obviously I’m biased), but they just haven’t compared to this Montessori Summit. There’s SO much content. Something for everyone. I hope you’re excited too because tickets are available soon!
Hey my talk even includes 3 copies of our tried and true, evolving Montessori work plan attached for free. Free bonus from me to you just because. 🙂
If this sounds like fun to you click here for my affiliate link for tickets that go on sale Sept 19.
The Summit is September 27-October 1 — but remember you get access to all the content for one full year. Last day to purchase your ticket is Oct 1.

Event Schedule
All the sessions are prerecorded. The presentations are released to viewers automatically each day according to the schedule. The videos can be watched at any time after the release.
Day 1
- Montessori Peace Education by Sharlie R. Burnie
- Education from Birth by Junnifa Uzodike and Simone Davies
- Why Handwork Is An Essential Element Of Cosmic Education by Carol Palmer
- Conflict Resolution for Ages 6-12 by Laura Connor
- Homeschool Wizard: Special Needs with a Montessori Mindset by Jennifer Wilmot
- Artistic Expression in the Montessori Home Environment by Letty Rising and Jana Morgan Herman
Day 2
- Monte-Silly: Effective Teaching is Playful! by Aubrey Hargis
- Preparing Your Child for Toilet Learning the Montessori Way by Rachel Kincaid
- Montessori Grammar at Home by Jennifer Kilgore
- What is Guided Inquiry? How can it be used in a Montessori Homeschool Environment? by Jackie Grundberg
- Guiding the Reluctant Writer by Pilar Bewley
- Montessori as a Practice by Pamela Green
Day 3
- Cultural Competence & Your Montessori Child by Lynda Apostol
- Navigating Independence: Toddler Edition by Catherine Mason
- Extra Languages (Foreign and Second languages) in the Home by Matt Bronsil
- Montessori Discipline at Home by Carine Robin
- The Inclusive Montessori Classroom: One Family’s Experience of Belonging by Claudia Mann & Liza Jensen
- Montessori in the Workplace: Applying Principles in Your Adult Life by Donna May Tomboc
Day 4
- Understanding your child’s behavior by Jeanne-Marie Paynel
- Montessori Toddler Music, Art and Outdoor Classroom Activities by Carolyn Lucento
- Using the Human Tendencies to Develop Compassionate Teaching by Claudia Mann
- How to Run a Montessori-Style Homeschool Project Group by Leanna Ampola
- ADHD and Montessori homeschooling – adapting the homeschool day and environment to ensure success for learners by Lisa Dei Gratia
Day 5
- You Don’t Have to Plan for Homeschool – And Here’s What You Can Do Instead by Alicia Díaz-David
- Importance of sensory stimulation during the absorbent mind plane birth to 6 by Anya Garcia
- Creativity as a Cosmic Task: How the Cosmic Curriculum Cultivates Creative Cognition and Ecoliteracy by Kelly Johnson
- Being a Black Deaf father Montessorian by Ashton Jean-Pierre
- Parenting on Purpose by Luz Casquejo Johnston
Hope to see you there!!!