I know I skipped over a couple week-in-review posts. In my absence, I have blissfully read books for pleasure and binge-watched all of The Handmaid’s Tale. Also my sister got married, I was a matron of honor planning and assisting many-a-thing, and the kids were flower girls, and… little handfuls.

In the upcoming week, we have 3 doctor appointments and Josie flies across the country to participate in a medical research study. So crazy!

I just had my first ever giveaway on Instagram, and I’ll announce the winner tonight when I get another free moment to randomly generate and pick said winner of an online Montessori course. Make sure you check out Jasmine over at 3 Minute Montessori — she’s wonderful (and presenting the course).

Here is the last 3 weeks in photos:
Most popular subject believe it or not. If it looks like a ton of long division you are right! All three oldest kids got lessons on division into the thousands place by up to three digit dividends. They love racks and tubes. We did some money work, talked about symbols, operations and word problems. Lots and lots of repetition and practice. I intend to get to more fraction work as well as math properties with Mary this week still. Hard to introduce anything new when they are happily reviewing independently.
Math fact memorization is still coming along, work in progress. The hundred board and division works were best loved and most sought after by all 3 of my oldest kiddos — as you can probably guess based on the frequency in photos below.
Lots of independent “quiet-time” reading. Some cursive work. Not as much as should be and still quite a lot of letter reversals. I always had crummy handwriting in elementary school, so could be hereditary. Actually I still have horrible handwriting. Note to self — Self, we need more cursive next week.

Cultural (Science and Geography)
Butterfly and ocean studies mostly. Totally child-led and unplanned. I happened to have the resources on hands for both units. We also watched a wonderful documentary series that is perfect for the Coming of Life / 2nd great lesson. Your Inner Fish on PBS (we watched free on Amazon Prime). It wraps together so many branches of science into one fascinating kid-friendly story. Highly, highly recommend. I believe I’m going to be a unit study / study guide based on this three-part series next year. Just wonderful.

Did you know that Florida is home to a nonmigratory Monarch butterfly species? Josie and Mary did a lot of research together, wrote up their findings, and we watched how biologists study butterflies in the wild thanks to Youtube.

Some morning journaling, tea party poetry reading, wedding and baby pictures. I snuck in a secret photo of Josie with her new SLP too. No violin photos because they’re all in video format and that’s a pain to work with on WordPress lately, but Mike is still squeakily struggling through Twinkle Twinkle (for like the third eternity, feels like), and the girls are continuing in Suzuki book 1 on Perpetual Motion — working on some pieces for homeschool orchestra + scales. Baby is 8 months can you even believe it?

Well. That’s that. Now I have to go figure out dinner and draw a winner for the giveaway!

Exhausting? Yes and fun too. Baby Will should be a meme right?

Wonderful ! Your posts are always inspiring and give me encouragement.
Where is that roll-up map from ? Do the activity cards come with it ?
Yes they do — they’re from Wasecabiomes.org and they’re wonderful!