My nine-year-old painted a gorgeous Monet reproduction this morning. Can you tell how she was beaming with pride?

Check out this excellent Paint-by-Number kit we received from Timberdoodle Co to review.
The set includes everything you need and has easy to follow instructions my kid had no problem whatsoever figuring out on her own. I was impressed with the quality of everything included.

As homeschoolers, I absolutely love this activity as a jumping off intro to artist studies, for developing fine motor and concentration and, of course, as a wonderful, peaceful creative outlet.
My favorite thing of all was how proud Mary was to complete this work all on her own.

After showing my daughter the original Monet painting online, we located Giverny, France on our globe and briefly discussed the Impressionist style of art. This hands-on work can tie together so many aspects of learning.

The Paint-by-Number Museum Series is part of the Timberdoodle Third Grade Curriculum kit. I think any elementary kid would be enthralled to receive this set. Highly recommended!

Definitely a keeper!