First of all, to anyone who participated in the 2020 Montessori Homeschool Summit, a giant THANK YOU! It feels like a smash success and I’ve heard nothing but positive feedback which makes me overjoyed. Speaking at the online event pushed me out of my comfort zone, so I deeply appreciate all the kind words of praise. Such a huge confidence boost — again thank you. I’m still slowly moving through the presentations myself, digesting all the amazing content, and learning a ton from the other amazing speakers.

In other news, we are adjusting to life with baby number 5 who arrived just over a month ago via vbac I am very happy to announce.
I feel like the phases of adjustment to life with baby number 5 go like this:
Phase 1: learning to care for new baby and yourself.
Phase 2: learning to care for new baby, yourself and making sure everyone else eats and sleeps on sort of a schedule again.
Phase 3: learning to care for baby, yourself, making meals and bedtimes happen and fitting in laundry so you’re not all naked; you definitely can’t go on another week without clean clothing.
Phase 4: caring for baby, yourself, doing laundry, cleaning bathrooms, and trying to feed everyone healthy meals at least part of the time. But also why won’t the two-year-old nap anymore? 😭
Phase 5 (where I currently am): venturing out of the house into nature with all the kids, accomplishing about 80% of the critical cooking and cleaning, some light gardening, making up schedules I can’t seem to stick to, homeschool planning finally, and lamenting that the two-year-old still won’t nap.
Phase 6 will include all above plus reorganizing the homeschool classroom as materials trickle in. Hope to get there soon. We currently have a large box of baby chicks (4 weeks old) taking residence in our classroom. This is fun, but I’d like to get them out and into the coop with the other ladies soon. Two weeks tops!

So anyway that’s about where we are at now.
I plan to write an in depth look at all we are studying this school year. I have finally gotten an outline in the works, and I’m zeroing in on book lists and materials. Trying not to bite off more than I can chew as we still have a ton of other behind the scenes medical issues that require frequent appointments plus multiple weekly therapies etc. BUT there’s just so much I’m excited about covering this school year.