Making Faces, An Interactive Toddler Book

We are trying something new. Will is 22 months old today, and we’ve been doing a little formal Montessori work here and there: practicing unrolling (and remembering) our work mat, sensitizing fingertips in warm water, grasping, spooning and pouring transfer work between bowls. He’s still really young for too much primary work, but I’m anxious,…

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Homeschooling Week in Review: Vol 2

Happy weekend friends! Our week was full of doctor appointments, therapies and other shenanigans. Somehow we managed to almost complete our weekly to-do list. Sensorial:  I had great ambitions this week for completing our constructive triangle work and adding some tasting bottles to the shelf, but we just ran out of time for those this…

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October Science Shelves

Here’s a quick peek at our science shelves for October. We’re still covering the first Great Lesson, and this is largely a space unit: Solar system, cosmic address, stars and constellations, phases of the moon and the seasons.

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