Speaking of “painting windows” in my last post…

I always forget to share activities we do to the blog. So here’s one of the activities we did at the end of January for the Second Great Lesson (Coming of Life).

I keep reading about the “Mural of Life” used in Montessori classrooms. Aside from the Timeline of Life (we got ours from Montessori Services), we do not have artwork to display. I was intrigued by the idea, but I only found one retail source for the mural. Not wanting to spend over $200 on this lovely artwork, I was inspired by some window painting being done by Shevonne at The Homeschool Diary (one of my fav people ever).
We added some classroom art of our own design.

First I taped coloring sheets I found online to the outside of our window.

The kids traced and painted the inside glass.

It took a week to paint altogether. We used washable tempera paint and Crayola window markers.

Our geological timeline mural was up for a couple of months before we moved onto the Third Great Lesson.
I’m very happy to report Windex and a little elbow grease removed the paint easily. We’re back to clear glass windows — happily just in time for our roses to be in full bloom.

Definitely a fun extension and creative application for timeline work. I don’t even have to find space to store it now that we’re done (like our giant sun painting model solar system that’s now living behind my bead cabinet). It can live on here!